Thursday 28 May 2020

On Twitter fact-checking Trump’s tweets

Yay! A little bit of sanity amid the world of Trump. 😊

If Trump, like some sort of twisted Pied Piper — is leading people a merry dance with off-the-charts incorrect information, then it’s great that Twitter took it upon themselves to fact check this.

One person opined on social media that this is censorship, that they have editorialised Trump.

They did not ‘editorialise’ Trump. That would involve their opinions. They fact checked him. With a discreet line under his tweet. Naturally he’s furious, because facts are anathema to him. It’s like vampires and sunlight. Or Daleks and stairs.

Heard of Obamagate? Of course you might not have done until very recently, because it’s a made-up thing, that Trump casually tossed towards reporters, accompanied with mystifying hints as to what this might be. Was Obama’s tie not straight one time? Because America has gone from having a dignified and level-headed leader to having the clown from Stephen King’s IT, all garish and seething with animosity, drool dripping from his chin in fevered anticipation of feasting on the gullibility of thousands of Americans.

He’s accidentally stumbled on a gold mine though by unwittingly tapping into conspiracy theory-land, a world where some bloke called Q apparently has top level clearance, and seems to think Trump is ridding the world of a NWO ‘dark cabal.’ But the real genius is in tapping into Christians. Not the normal ones, hell no! The Born Again, speaking in tongues, the rapture-is-a-comin,’ Bible thumping, gun-toting, sorta folk. Praise God! Hallelujah! Can we get an AMEN?! To them, he’s either Jesus incarnate for the Second Coming, or he’s fully ordained by God himself to carry out his task of protecting Israel and America. (Perhaps God lives in his hair and controls him like a puppet.)

His followers hang on to his every word, in a fevered, bonkers sort of way. He’s the ultimate cult leader — move over, L. Ron Hubbard, there’s a new cat in town, who is even more mental than you are. And I have not even touched on how hate groups are on the rise in America again, perhaps in part encouraged by his unpleasant speeches and Twitter tirades.

Trump is to me, a rather desperate figure, underneath the bluster. A bloke suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, with an inability to tell the truth or even recognise it, and a pathological need to remove himself from any responsibility for his own actions (fancy a pint of bleach, anyone?). He’s a caricature of a caricature of a copy of the man he could have been, so desperate for approval ratings he creates a candy-coloured world in which he’s the greatest and bestest at all times.

So yeah. I’m a fan of fact-checking the shit outta Donald Trump.

(It won’t make a lot of difference to the folk who literally believe every word that isn’t dedicated to the orange-haired one must be a lie. Trump could round up all the bunnies of the world and shoot them, or mug little old ladies, or ride a chicken down the street, naked, and even if there was clear video footage his fans would steadfastly shout ‘FAKE NEWS!’)
It’s a puzzle. 😊

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