Saturday 4 April 2020

the View from the Window

The view from the window was beautiful. Glorious sun, lazy bees drunk with nectar, flying from one glorious nectar haven to another in their splendid quest. Birds sung their hearts out, and flowers started blooming in their Spring awakening. You could look but not touch. You could see, but you must never leave your house.

It started with a virus; a simple novel coronavirus, which sprang from the same group of pesky viruses that created the common cold. After it swept the entire global population, people still rebelled. Tried to find ways to return to their old lives. They didn't want to believe it was really happening, so they visited the ice-cream vans in forests, went for walks in fresh air together; walks along the beach listening to the friendly waves lap at the shore and breathe in the salty air. Walking in nature like this made them feel safe, like death wasn't lurking behind them, waiting. Waiting...

As time went by, the powers of the police, grew. Fines grew heavier. New surveillance cameras started popping up, and a mandatory app was downloaded onto people's phones. The app tracked their every move and would question every place they visited. A bot would answer their questions, and if deemed acceptable, all was fine. If not, they had a letter through their door, and a fine would have to be paid. This was not negotiable. Three of these, and their cars were taken away. The app also broadcast their movements to social media, which also was like throwing them to the wolves, since people were turning against each other, so great was their fear.

People with gardens loved to sit outside, it seemed a tiny freedom and act of rebellion in the climate, but that too was being eroded. Jobs and houses were lost. Instead, people were moved into vast camps, where they all had their own hepa-filtered doors to tiny cells; small windows as tiny offerings of the outside world.

For those who still had their homes, they would scan the news each day for offerings of hope. A vaccine remained 12-18 months away. It was always 12-18 months. There had been success with an antiviral drug, but Donald Trump bought the rights to it, and ramped the price up to all but the USA. So other countries continued to suffer, and plough money into research, and hope for an end one day.

As time went by, the fear and anger remained present. Kids were told 'NEVER' to go outside. Outside was death. 'You can look out the windows, but don't go out!' School was held in virtual space. People's muscles often atrophied as they got so little exercise. People would often put blackout blinds on their windows to avoid temptation.

And then the virus disappeared. It went away as quickly as it had appeared one day. The deaths simply stopped. Hospitals gradually returned to normality. Field hospitals, built for this purpose of trying to fight the virus, lay empty. Doctors and nurses were so happy, but were instructed not to speak of it. In case it wasn't completely gone. Days passed. Days turned into months, but the blanket media silence on the disappearance of the virus didn't stop. And people continued to enforce it by angrily shaming and judging anyone who went out. Still, freedoms were curtailed. People didn't ask anymore. They didn't want to know about the bad news and they didn't notice the deaths were no longer reported. The fear was so great that one day, even when the government announced it was safe; no-one believed them. Cases in agoraphobia surged. Myths, persisted. What was real, what wasn't? Fear danced around the peripheries. If people suggested it was safe to go out again and meet up with people, they often disappeared, were found tied to a tree or similar, by angry members of their community. It wasn't uncommon for mobs to jeer outside a house if one of the residents was found to be outside! The fear and anger had grown to such an extent that nothing the government said could convince people anymore. The mantra 'outside is death', was all they would respond with. The institutionalisation was complete -- although never intended, but small conspiracy groups popped up to try to convince people this had been the governments' plans all along -- New World Order and total lockdowns. They tended to disappear, too.

And so, the governments stopped trying to convince people. Laws stayed in place, restricting movement. Gradually, people forgot why. They just had stories of generations past. They had only their empty hearts as companions during the dark nights. Governments simply turned this to their advantage, people continued to live in their vast internment camps which tracked their simplest of movements and even their thoughts. People had VR headsets and computers and lost themselves in virtual worlds, sometimes for weeks. People died, slumped over keyboards. Virtual currency and identity, became everything.

Still, the birds sung, and the bees lazily buzzed. The birds sung their hearts out. They were trying to wake the humans up to the sanctity of nature, of the cycles of things. Tried to say 'hey, it's all OK now, you can come outside! It's safe! Nothing in this physical world is forever!' One day, they hope, the songs will wake at least one human. Because there is *always* hope.

The birds are singing songs of hope, right now. Weaving these into our hearts with sheer love. It's going to be OK again, one day. It really is.  Every day we wake up lost, helpless, scared. Step outside in nature if you can (safely, with social distancing), and they will show you how to have simply faith in something bigger, more mysterious. They'll lead you back to your own soul too, if you'll let them. x

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